The Under Priced Awesomely Made Radio DJ Training Course!
Discover Jedi Mind Tricks to Radio Presenting
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Hello all - I've moved my course over to Thinkific now - Please join me there!
Welcome to the Online Radio School's course page. Here's where you can enroll in the course and start learning how to be a Radio DJ.
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Nine Year BBC World Service Veteran
Reveals His Step-By-Step Process for Setting up a
Mainstream Radio Show in Just 5 Hours
Discover the System for Producing Fantastic Radio Shows & Podcasts
When you host a radio show or podcast, do you.....
Present without a detailed plan?
Have you sourced interesting and engaging content?
Did you structure your broadcast hour into sections?
Do you work from a running order?
Have you carefully planned your show's journey?
Do you feel comfortable with the mixing desk? Can you use it without making any mistakes?
Would you like to put some 'bounce' into your broadcasting voice?
When you read from newspapers, does it sound clunky and clumsy?
Do you know how to get the best out of your show guests?
And tell me, how will you start and end your show?
Grab Listeners, Don't Push Them Away
If your show isn't structured well, you could be pushing listeners away from you.
If you have a passion to create awesome sounding radio shows or podcasts, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.
I Didn't Have A Clue How to Present a Radio Show....
When I first presented a radio show in 1996, I didn't know what I was doing. My early radio shows were terrible!
Understand This....
Put Rubbish In, And Rubbish Will Come Out
Badly produced podcasts and radio shows WILL push listeners away.
You've Only Got One Chance to Hook a Listener.
Once they've gone, then you've lost them for good.
Think About It....
If a listener tunes into a messy, unprepared and unfocused show, the chances of them tuning back in again are very low.
Ok, Well What’s the Answer Then?
You need to have a system in place, AND you need to work hard. If you follow a well thought out plan, commit to getting better, you will improve.
Finally, I Took Matters Into My Own Hands...
After a few years of making terrible radio shows, I decided to improve myself. I went to Lambeth college, and I enrolled in a radio production course. I wanted to study radio presenting. I also listened to radio DJs, and I analysed their shows. I then joined a hospital radio station, and I practised a LOT. I recorded my shows, and I listened back to them. I wanted to know what was working, what wasn't working and what I could do to be better.
Stations I've Worked And Trained At:
BBC World Service (2002 - 2011)
K2K Radio
Whitechapel AM
FLR 107.3FM
Resonance FM
Radio DÅB FM
TGR Sound
Total Rock
City FM
Croydon Radio
Sydenham FM
Radio Kings: 999AM
600 Students Now Enrolled
Working Hard Paid Off....
After lots of practice, I became a radio presenter on two FM radio stations (this was when FM was a big thing). For two years, I hosted a radio show to 100,000 listeners. Later on, I presented a weekend radio show to 20,000 listeners. Hard graft and practice took me to the next level.
Along Came The BBC World Service, Radio
In 2002, I took my six years of radio experience, and I joined the BBC World Service, Radio as a studio manager. I technically operated news and current affairs transmissions to audiences of over 20 million. From 2002 to 2011, I worked at the BBC, and I continued to present radio shows on local radio. I also tutored over one hundred volunteers in radio presenting and media interviewing techniques. I volunteered my time for free at five different community radio stations.
This Training Course Was Created With 18 Years of Radio Experience
In 2016, I realised I could train radio students using online videos. I spent eighteen months creating an online training system. My goal is to help community radio presenters and podcasters produce professional sounding shows. It's something I'm very passionate about.
Join Over 600 Radio Students And Start Creating High-Quality Shows
Produced for beginners, community radio presenters,
hospital radio DJs, podcasters and radio students
With This Radio DJ Training Course You'll learn About....
Targeting your audience.
You'll gain a purpose to your a presenting.
I'll show you route maps, so you don’t present like an amateur.
Discover tricks to help you source new content for months.
Cross show topics easily.
Learn how to build a unique bond with your listeners.
Find the 13 different elements you can introduce into your shows from now.
Discover how to avoid the 1 major mistake that all new presenters make.
I'll tell you about the strategy that can keep you 3 steps ahead of your current on-air position.
Get voice tips to make your on-air voice sound awesome.
I'll show you 8 different ways of how to start a show. This tip alone will get you sounding much better than your fellow DJs.
Learn 5 ways of forward promoting content. Keep your listeners tuned in.
Discover 2 ways of bringing in local topics. Doing this will help connect you with your local audience.
Find guests and learn how to interview them for your shows.
Become a pro at working the mixing desk. These lessons will get you sounding great.
Discover how to introduce competitions and become more interactive with your audience.
Learn about the 20 most common community presenter mistakes that keep you sounding unprofessional.
I’m also going to show you a sweet BBC World Service trick that will get you ending your shows like a BBC presenter.
To avoid any potential lawsuits against you or your station, you NEED to learn about libel laws. However, don't worry! I'll teach you in a non-boring manner.
Find out how to use jingles and dry voicers in 5 different ways. This will get you sounding like a professional radio presenter in no time.
What You'll Love About This Radio Presenter Course.....
You'll get lifetime access to me. I'll be able to advise and guide you for as long as you want. This personal access is worth the course price alone. And as a student of the Online Radio School, I even analyse some of your radio shows and offer you constructive feedback. You will never get this with a book.
In Just Under Five Hours You Could Be On Air
What I'm teaching would take you weeks to learn at your local community station. With my system, you can be ready to go in just under 5 hours.
Buy this course once and own it for life. Renting sucks, own instead.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
This course comes with a no questions asked money back guarantee. Why not join 505 other students that are studying to improve their shows?
Be The Best You Can Be
If want to be a radio Presenter or a podcaster...
If you strive to get better at presenting...
If you want to take your show to the next level, then do something active....
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£60 (including VAT)
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The Under Priced Awesomely Made Radio Presenter Course
Step Into A World Of Unbelievably Great Radio Presenting
Over 600 Students Enrolled
The Online Radio School
is the
Official Trainer to:
Stay Home Radio (United Arab Emirates)
Loughrea Community Radio
Salaam Radio
K2K Radio
Fusion Community Radio
Whitechapel AM
Community Radio Stations: Check this out! have over 10,000 instructors using their platform. And remember,
every course hosted with comes with a 30 Day Money Back
Your Instructor

Hello all. I've moved my radio course over to Thinkific now. Please join me there.
Ashley's been teaching online for seven years now. He has two loves in his life, radio and guitar playing.
In the day, he runs the Online Radio School. There he teaches radio presenting and media interviewing. He has over five hundred students enrolled in his courses. In the night, he performs regularly on the London open mic scene. He's been playing the guitar for twenty years now and loves writing songs.
You can hear his supa-fab music here
Any questions then email me here: [email protected]